Why You Should Stay Off Social Media During a Personal Injury Case


For many of us, social media is part and parcel of everyday life and being without access to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter at any given moment is an unfathomable thought for some. If you are in the process of pursuing a personal injury claim, however, you might want to rethink your frequent usage of these or any other social networking platform. The posts you make can come back to haunt you and put your claim at risk.

What the Defense Team is Looking For

Social media posts might seem entirely harmless, but they hold a lot more power than you think and can provide crucial evidence against you. Defense attorneys often comb through a plaintiff’s social media accounts, looking for anything that might suggest dishonesty. Even if your posts do not directly address your injuries or the accident that caused them, much can be gleaned from a post about a vacation you are planning or an activity you recently partook in.

Some of the details defense attorneys look for when examining your social media accounts include:

  • Photos of you smiling, which might indicate you are not as injured you claim
  • Photos or posts that indicate you managed to maintain a thriving social life after the accident
  • Check-in posts that reveal where you went
  • Posts with information regarding your case
  • Posts that indicate if you participate in physical activities, such as sports or exercising at the gym

How Social Media Posts Can Waive Confidentiality

Your social media posts are not yours alone. The court generally believes that if you post something online, you consented for it to be public. Additionally, if you are in the process of obtaining a settlement, you might want to take a closer look since there might be a clause in the agreement that forbids you from discussing the case.

Therefore, the following actions might jeopardize your settlement:

  • Making comments about your situation, even if you omit the details
  • Posting about the injuries you sustained in the accident
  • Posting photos or other forms of media about your injuries, the accident, or the treatment you are receiving
  • Mentioning the names of others who are part of the case
  • Discussing how you plan on spending your settlement money
  • Posting private conversations you had with the defendant’s attorneys or the insurance company
  • Talking about the possible outcome of your case online

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Today!

As a general rule, staying off social media is the safest option and, with so much at stake, going on hiatus is well worth it. At Julia E. Stovall Attorney At Law, I can provide the legal advice you need regarding issues like this and many more, so that you can successfully get through the process of filing a personal injury claim as smoothly as possible.

Contactmy law office today at (615) 239-1374 to arrange a free initial consultation and learn more about how I can assist you.